The registration is free of charge. There are no fees. Creating your presentation for your business is also free of charge. There are no initial costs or running costs.
Please fill out the following form for your registration. You will get an account on which is free of charge. If your email-address is already known in our system, we will show you a way to get your detective agency entry under your administration. If you already have a user account on, please go to the login. Click the green button on top of the page. You can also request a new password there, if you do not know it.
After your registration you can either change the detective agency which is linked to your email-address or create a new entry for a detective agency on our directory. Start also using the features of like a picture album, maps for the local search or descriptions of your detective agency or private detective office. There are even more features in the system for you.
You can of course also sign up for a private account, use classified ads and earn virtual coins. You do not need to run a detective agency.